Category Releases

Releasing FsmPro 1.0.1 with support for Linux distros

FsmPro 1.0.1 is available for download Windows and Linux distros. To help you work across platforms, we have extended support on major Linux distributions: You can use the same project files across platforms. Apart from adding support for Linux, this release…

Releasing FsmPro 1.0.0

FsmPro 1.0.0 is available for download on Windows. This is the first public release of FsmPro. We’ve made sure our users get all the features essential to design and codify State Machines. FsmPro is available in beta for now. The beta…

FsmPro v1.1.1 is available for download

FsmPro 1.1.1 is available on Windows and Linux. This release has bug fixes and support for native window support while creating new project. We’ve added the Save As feature as it was the most requested feature. Also, the trial has been…

FsmPro v1.0.2 is now available for download

Today, we have released FsmPro v1.0.2 with some essential features and bug fixes. There were crash issues reported by some users which we have fixed in this release. Previously, it was a pain to work with large state diagrams as you had…